This is a captured moment from our wedding day September 25th by Stacey Perry.
As the weather grows colder, and the sun sets earlier I have been reflecting on the past six months.
My move to Scotland had been a decision I made (for sure) only four months prior to packing a suitcase and boarding a plan to Edinburgh with a one way ticket. These past few months have even rivaled that time in my life! Not only did I assist in the moving of the downtown Biloxi Library and got married, I also changed gears in order to begin a new career in education. My job as a library media specialist is my fourth new job since returning from Edinburgh, but so far it has been fantastic. The wedding went well, with no rain, drama, or disasters. I am still not sure what I will write about on Wednesdays. The busy times have not allowed me to read or bake as much either. But now Edward and I are looking towards the horizon for a trip to Spain and the French Riviera Summer 2012! Next weekend will also be our annual Halloween Party which is themed as Rocky Horror versus Thriller under the title "Late Night Double Feature Picture Show." We will be putting a projector and screen in the backyard in order to have our own private viewing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Another excited announcement.... **Drumroll**
Melissa and I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. No need to edit or revise, just write! Anyone can join the website for free, and participate in the online community of writers. This is something I have been putting off for awhile even though I have had dozens of novels bouncing around in my head for years. Time to put away the excuses and go for it.

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