My latest wedding read is a new book called The Tax Deductible Wedding by Sabrina Rivers. The book was really a grab bag of different topics from issues of young adults personal finance and wedding planning basics. The first half of the book was mostly things I have read before in my extensive reading. Some more interesting ideas Rivers suggests are finding businesses to sponsor your wedding, media coverage of your wedding, and making certain aspects of the wedding donations to non-profits for tax write offs. I don't think I will personally be pursuing any of those routes.
The wedding budget is the real brick wall I have run into with planning. With buying a house, my student loan repayments, and my very low salary the money is just not there. I need some real creative options that are not tacky. I would rather not have a wedding at all than it be cheesy. One last thing, the book had random illustrations throughout and the photo I have included is the one that I related to most in this book.
We didn't have a huge budget either, and I did a lot of DIY stuff too...I made a lot of things. Look for stuff you need on Ebay too. I got my flower girl baskets, ring pillow...little stuff like that on there!