Last week I finished reading
Eat, Pray, Love and last night I got to see the movie! They were both really enjoyable and inspirational. I love how Julia Robert's portrayed Elizabeth Gilbert. In some ways, I am very much like Liz Gilbert and her insatiable appetite to travel. "I am loyal and constant in my love for travel," is a line she uses in a book that I must agree with whole heartily. When I lived in Scotland, every day was an adventure for something new, and I relished in it. My week full of Eat, Pray, Love has made me reflect on where I would go if I could spend a year traveling the world. Going with her rules with have three countries all starting with the same letter I chose the countries Costa Rica, Croatia, and China. The beautiful pictures and lure of tropical paradise attracts me to Costa Rica. Croatia is what I have heard being called the "homeland" by my fellow friends of Croatian descent, and I have to agree. My four days in the jewels of the Adriatic was not nearly enough. I actually feel the same way about Croatian as Liz Gilbert felt about the Italian language. China would have to be added to the list because I have not made it yet to an Asian country and its rich culture fascinates me since I took a survey of Asian history class. I harassed Edward with the same question and he chose the countries Argentina, Austria, and Australia. I do know that I want to travel with him to them all.
In the spirit of my travel thoughts post, I have also compiled a list of my travel tips I have accumulated through my adventures.
1.) For the love of god pack extra underwear in your carry-on. I learned this the hard way when I landed in Rome with only the underwear I was wearing. Unfortunately, my luggage never made it to the place I was staying (it actually made its on tour of Italy) Wearing Ed's boxer briefs in Pompeii was not my idea of a good time.
2.) Never eat somewhere with a picture menu, you are just asking for trouble.
3.) Have a travel ritual. I had a friend backpack from Barcelona to Istanbul within three weeks and her group counted all the different ways you can flush a toilet. Tabitha, my bff, tries McDonald's no matter where she goes and plans to take pictures with every state capitol building. I have a cup of coffee at every random cafe I come across when I travel.
4.) Have a playlist for your adventure. Whatever inspires you.
5.) Public transportation can be the biggest thrill and biggest headache you have ever experienced. it is totally worth it.
6.) Write about your trip, you will not remember a thing if you do not.
**There may be more to come of these later**
However, until then, happy trails and good night.