Saturday, 26 February 2011

Cake Balls~ Attempt #2

            After Christmas, I used a gift card for Books A Million to order a few things on my wish list.  The book Cake Balls by the baking blogger Bakerella was top of that list.  These cute little balls are candy like in there sweetness.  I made an attempt at them a few weeks ago and failed miserably.  It appears that I am a failure at melting chocolate.  (A similar disaster happened when I tried to do skull chocolate molds for our Halloween party this past October.)  Tonight I tried Almond Bark instead of the melting chocolate sold at baking and craft stores.  Fortunately, the Almond Bark turned out to be more resilient.  

Here is my second attempt step by step:


*Some of the basics in making cake balls*

*I prepared the cake as the box directed.*

*Crumbled the cake, and added three thirds a cup of frosting to it.*

*Shaped the balls, and put them in the freezer for fifteen minutes*

*After the balls firmed up, I melted the Almond Bark and dipped the balls*  

    Next time I do cake balls I will get a squeeze bottle to dispense the decorative chocolate (the pink stuff up above).  Maybe if I practice more, I can get a little more consistency from each treat to another.  I will keep you posted!  

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